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Il tuo corpo la mia anima part. Caligula was released on DVD and Blu-Ray in an "Imperial Edition", [40] which featured the unrated theatrical release version and a new version featuring alternate sequencing from the original theatrical release and without the explicit sexual content shot by Guccione. Drusilla tries to find Caligula a wife among the priestesses of the goddess Isis , the cult they secretly practice. Nerva commits suicide and Caligula tries to kill Tiberius but loses his nerve. Retrieved 26 August The Saga of the Unmaking of Caligula. The film was scored by Bruno Nicolai under the name Paul Clemente.
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Wikiquote has quotations related to: After Tiberius' death and burial, Caligula is proclaimed the new Emperor, then proclaims Drusilla as his equal, to the apparent disgust of the Roman Senate. The final screenplay focuses on the idea that "absolute power corrupts absolutely". Caligula sets up a mock trial in which Gemellus is intimidated into testifying that Macro murdered Tiberius, then has Macro's wife Ennia banished from Rome. Darker aspects of Caligula's personality emerge when he rapes a bride and groom on their wedding day in a minor fit of jealousy and orders Gemellus's execution to provoke a reaction from Drusilla. Retrieved January 12,
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