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This love poem has a "forever" quality about it. As always, share targeted verses or an entire erotic message with your Sweetheart. Love messages can convey a "before you" and "after you" state of mind. Beware When love strikes us hard and makes mush of our brain, When love sneaks in and makes us insane, All sense can depart and leave the brain blank, When love like that strikes it can drain our whole tank. Sometimes our loved ones put us on pedestals - and we simply can't or don't choose to live up to the picture they have in their minds. Love poetry can use the beauty of nature to convey tender feelings as this free online love poem does. This poem is a fantasy.
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Desire and intimacy are very much a part of Love, and these erotic poems prove that sex need not be sordid or ugly. Brother Husbands Doesn't polyandry make more sense than polygyny? I loved you so and you said yes A gift from God, I was blessed. The Making of a Slut Wife Pt.
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There is a time in life When the person you will love For the rest of your life Walks in and captures your heart. Slut - Take My Wife Pt. Kidnapped by Aliens Wife is kidnapped and held for ransom by aliens. The Pleasure is Ours Matthew and Natalie's marriage takes unexpected turns.
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It holds us together, protects us from the world - and brings us some of life's greatest pleasures. For you, my love, filled all my dreams, Of a life I thought never could be. Love poetry can use the beauty of nature to convey tender feelings as this free online love poem does. This I love you poem is in free verse; that is, it doesn't rhyme. Off with that wiry Coronet and shew The hairy Diadem which on you doth grow: Love messages can contain detailed description, metaphors, even stories.
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